Triangle North Granville

527 Acres, Certified Development-ready
40 Minute Drive To Research Triangle Park
Eligibility For
Tier One Incentives

Triangle North Granville is conveniently located along Interstate 85.
Quick Facts
1.8 Million People*
*Within a 50 mile radius of Triangle North Granville
$37,639 Median Household Income*
28.3% Hold a
College Degree*
Utility Infrastructure
Water Line
A 12” Water Main is currently stubbed into Triangle Park North off 20” water main
City can feed water to site from another direction through a 16” water main
Water plant is being extended from 10 to 20 MGD
Power Line
Provided by Duke Progress Energy
Distribution line on site, voltage is 23kV
Voltage of transmission line serving substation is 230kV
Dual service is possible
Gas Line
Dominion Gas
8' line 24,000 ft from site
Sewer Line
12-inch line at the site
15" gravity line in parts of park
Treatment facility is 2 miles from the park

Contact us.
The Granville Economic Development Office exists to support new and expanding businesses. If you have any questions about how we can support your efforts, feel free to email us using the address below or complete the adjacent form. You may also visit our organization’s website by clicking the button below.
Granville County Economic Development
(919) 693-5911
310 Williamsboro Street
Mailing address: PO Box 26, Oxford NC 27565