The space you want. The location you need.

Triangle North is a set of four high-quality business parks with links to North Carolina’s Research Triangle. Each offers a range of critical assets that connect companies to their strategic business objectives.
Our Sites
Triangle North Franklin
200 Acres
Adjacent to Triangle North Executive Airport
Sites from 3 acres and up
Triangle North Granville
527 Acres
Adjacent to Interstate 85
40-minute drive to Research Triangle Park
Triangle North Vance
Triangle North Warren
Easy access to metro areas in NC and VA

Our Advantages
The highest level (Tier 1) of state financial incentives available in North Carolina, providing a low-cost point of entry for companies ready to locate or expand.
Access to world-leading life science and technology clusters. Tech-focused companies and brilliant minds are all within easy reach of Triangle North sites.
A major driver in the region’s rapid growth is the availability of a talented workforce. Customized training programs enable companies to get operational ASAP.
“We’ve spent a substantial amount of time and money analyzing and documenting these properties. We’re confident they’re ready for development.”
— Diane Cox, Executive Director | Kerr-Tar Regional Council of Governments